Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Recovering Our True Selves: Dismantling the Heart Wall

When we are vulnerable, our emotions can culminate into a blocked negative energy that gets trapped in a metaphysical wall around our heart. That wall, which can wreak havoc on our self-fulfillment, is called a heart wall.  
When we are emotionally injured, our energy gets stuck and we build an emotional fortress that we think will protect us from further injury. While this can be a very important coping mechanism in times when we desperately need it, a permanent heart wall has catastrophic impacts on our well-being. It becomes a sickness, and the sicker it is the more challenging it will be to move forward in life. It keeps us from discovering our true selves, and prevents us from loving deeply and unconditionally. 
A heart wall limits us from ultimate abundance, and our ability to form positive relationships. It divides us from our heart’s desires. It ultimately detaches us from who we really are.
When we have a heart wall, we are no longer open to the opportunities the universe grants us. We are often plagued with insecurity about our decisions or choices we’ve made. We constantly question and judge other people’s choices. We revisit the same situation over and over in our head, hoping to play it out in a different way.
The good news is that you can remove your heart wall, layer-by-layer, in order to be free of the past and to live blissfully in the now. You can do this by getting rid of the toxic, negative energy blocks that form it. With the right practice and training, you can open yourself up to the possibility of unconditional love.
When we remove the heart wall, we are more fulfilled in our relationship, and we make more money. This happens because we are now open to attracting amazing, synchronistic experiences. Those experiences, which we sometimes call “coincidences,” happen more frequently and are suddenly within our grasp.  Our heart’s desires are made manifest almost immediately.
Once the heart wall is down you’re able to make clearer decisions. Your heart, your will, and your gut are aligned. You will have mastered your energy, allowing you to carve out your destiny in full force. 
You’ll also be able to give and receive the gifts of love. You will feel connected to others in your personal life and your career. You will finally be able to participate in some of the most joyful and elevating human experiences. 
If you’re interested in experiencing what its like to live without limitations or boundaries, contact me- AmyD- about removing your heart wall. It takes only 3-4 sessions for you to dismantle your heart wall, so you can finally live abundantly and joyfully!
Contact me at to schedule your session today!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Business Benefits of Mindfulness Practice

“To enjoy our life we have to pay attention to it…We need to foster sustainable performance to use our energy, time and resources in a more mindful and focused way rather than wasting them in stress. We need to be more self-determined in getting on with what we need to get on with at the right time. Mindfulness helps us enjoy our life more, to find more meaning in our life and to help protect us from stress, anxiety and depression.” –Dr. Craig Hassed
Do you know the difference between meditation and mindfulness? The two terms are often used interchangeably; however the practices (while sharing some common ideas) are wholly different from each other. Mindfulness is the ability to exist entirely in the present moment, accepting our thoughts and feelings without judgment. Meditation is the practice of thoughtless awareness, a state of stillness so centered that mind is quiet. It is easy to see why the two could be confused, or how one practice can enhance the other. Today’s entry focuses on how the practice of mindfulness can benefit you and your business. 
Ask any business owner and they will probably tell you their biggest challenge is stress. Generally, this stress stems from an inability to turn off thoughts about their business. This is where mindfulness comes in. The tenets of this practice can work in almost any size business, by helping to create an “off switch” and realizing the appropriate times to use it. Mindfulness can help you focus, listen more actively, reduce sick days, become less reactive, increase your productivity and so much more! 
Start by identifying the thoughts or tasks that keep the business on your mind. Find ways to either knock out or delegate these tasks. Then allow yourself time and space without distractions to develop your “off switch”. Simple steps like counting or breath work can help us find our center. Other activities such as meditation, exercise, or ample sleep can also aid the mindfulness practice. And always remember, mindfulness is not about changing the world, it’s about changing our relationship with it. 
Free Mindfulness and Meditation Workshop
Everyone can benefit from learning or enhancing their mindfulness practice. To give everyone the opportunity to cultivate both mindfulness and meditation, I host a FREE Sunday Gathering on every last Sunday of the month.  During each Sunday Gathering, I will teach you methods that will enhance your own relationship to YOU, allowing you to master your internal dialogue, emotional condition, and energy in any situation.
Healthy lunch and snacks, as well as donations, are accepted with heartfelt gratitude!
Become the BEST YOU that you can be! RSVP for the FREE Sunday Gathering at