Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Tapping Into Nature For Clarity, Focus and Calm

Life can be overwhelming at times. From the stresses of the day to day, work, traffic, interpersonal relationships, etc it can all be a bit much. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were somewhere you could recharge your batteries? Some place beyond the pages of a book, the gym, or the man cave? What if I were to tell you that there is and it is all around you?

Nature has always been a source of healing, renewal, and regeneration. Whether you’re out in your own garden or deep in the wilderness, the natural world is awe inspiring, powerful, and deeply relaxing. The curative powers of nature have been known the world over for centuries. Hippocrates may have said it best when he said, “nature cures-not the physician”.

It may sound a little New Age-y to you, but there is actual scientific data to back up these claims. As far back as the 1970’s, studies have touted the restorative benefits of nature. One study concluded that hospital patients, whose windows face a natural setting, recover nearly twice as quickly as and with far less complications than those whose rooms are without windows or have a more industrial view. 

And let’s face it; “getting back to nature” is really just a return to our natural state of being. Communing with nature reminds us of where we come from, because we are a part of the earth. Returning to nature liberates us from all the trappings of a technological society and lets us to exist in our truest state. Allowing ourselves time in nature gives us the opportunity to heal, recharge, and reconnect.

However, fostering that connection with nature isn’t just as simple as going outside. You will want to be in an outdoor space that makes you feel nurtured and at ease. You will need to be receptive to the wisdom that the earth offers. If you don’t immediately feel a connection, don’t worry. Try some deep breathing or meditation. And if you are still unable to feel the connection, then let’s talk. You may be experiencing emotional and spiritual blockages that can be removed by the bioenergetics work that I do. Avenues to love and light need to be open to fully experience the healing qualities of nature.

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