Monday, August 1, 2016

First Impressions

You don't always get a second chance at making a good first impression. We’ve all heard that before. And that impression is formed in a very short amount of time. Seven seconds, to be exact. This sort of snap decision-making process is a prehistoric leftover from a time when quick situational judgments could mean the difference between life and death. And now the human brain is hardwired to make decisions in this manner. But, how long does it take to form a first impression? And how exactly are we being evaluated?

Amy Cuddy, a social psychologist at Harvard University, has been researching the phenomena of first impressions for over a decade. She has determined that people ask themselves two quick questions upon meeting a person for the first time. "Can they be trusted?" "Are they worthy of respect?" The answers to these questions are determined in a matter of seconds.

Most people are taught to trust their intuition when it comes to gauging people they first meet. In the business world these first impressions are tantamount to success. These impressions are largely based on nonverbal clues. In fact, research has indicated that nonverbal clues are four times more effective than anything you can say. What are some examples of nonverbal clues?

Posture- status and power are often conveyed by a person’s usage of space.

Attitude- people can instantly pick up on attitudes and energies. 

Facial expression- smile! Make sure the look on your face reflects the outcome you want from the situation.

Handshake- this can be an indication of confidence and professionalism.

Eye contact- if you cannot maintain eye contact people tend to think of you as shifty, nervous, or just downright rude.

There are many more nonverbal ways to make a first impression. Do you need help honing your nonverbal skills so you can make a lasting first impression? I can help you channel your inner awesomeness, so you will be sure to convey strength and confidence and increase your awareness and intuition for receiving your own first impressions. Just reach out to me at or visit my website,!

Harnessing your innate inner power will help you make an impact and achieve the results you deserve!

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