Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Why You Should Invest In Tesla (And Yourself)

Billionaire investor Ron Baron has predicted that a long-term investment in Tesla Motors will prove to be one of the best financial decisions one can make. While the fruits of his investments will be slow to grow, Baron believes firmly that Tesla will become one of the biggest companies in the world. In the long-run, an investment in one of the most innovative companies on the globe will reap enormous rewards in the future.
Baron has seen the innovations first-hand. Every three or four months, he visits the factory and is astounded by the level of forward-thinking creativity that Tesla CEO Elon Musk has envisioned for the world. As he said in an interview with CNBC that there is currently no competition for Tesla Motors. They have genuinely risen above the fray to lead the world in a new technological direction, and companies who could have competed with them failed- all because they didn’t believe in the power of Musk’s imagination.
Tesla Motor’s future success doesn’t just lie in their exciting new car technology. It’s about an entirely new way of seeing how energy can be transferred and transformed. As Baron mentioned, Tesla Motors- with an investment from Panasonic- is creating a $5 billion giga-battery factory.
There’s a reason why Musk named his company after another great visionary, Nikola Tesla. Tesla had discovered a new way of using energy in a way that was so powerful and efficient it changed the entire world. What can we, as entrepreneurs, learn from this? 
Patience, Determination and Abundance
Having the kind of focus and dedication as Elon Musk, or his investor Ron Baron for that matter, is necessary for long-term, sustainable, abundant success. Musk not only sees where the future is headed, his future, but has also diversified his projects- not settling for a single industry but spreading out his vision and seeng it for its entirety.
Investing in Tesla isn’t just about instant gratification. It is about having the dedication and the foresight to know that motivated geniuses like Elon Musk are altering our world, one inspiration at a time.
As entrepreneurs, we can learn an invaluable lesson from this. With enough patience, dedication, tenacity, and inspiration, we can alter our destinies to include an abundance so beyond what we ever imagined. A success that is transformative on a global scale.
If you are interested in learning more about harnessing this kind of laser focus, so that you may achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed of and more, contact me at amyd.me to set up an appointment today!

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