Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Male Empowerment

Recently, I’ve talked about the different ways your energy can emanate, particularly if you're in a leadership position. Today I’d like to discuss how masculine energy functions, and how it can work for and against you.

Masculine energy can be a powerful force for good, a unique vibration that invigorates and enlivens everyone around you. However, some masculine energies can be misdirected, coaxed into servicing a winner-takes-all approach that is unsustainable in the long run.

Some men feel an aggressive urge to compete at all costs, in their professional and personal lives. This ongoing drivenness to do or perform takes a psychic toll, because it doesn't account for every person's need for quieter, more contemplative moments. These are moments of reflection, a "time out" during which you can carefully consider the world around you and how to best approach it.

This kind of mindful reflection is an opportunity to truly see your unique destiny as it relates to the world, not just how your individual male ego can best be served by others. The un-enlightened among us will often accuse such acceptance and allowance as"un-masculine," but when an individual's masculine yang energy is untamed, it can never achieve the wholeness it so desires.

The ability to stop and reflect, and experience mindful gratitude, is not un-masculine. It is a powerful ability that some of the most successful male leaders have harnessed.

The CEO of Aetna, Mark Bertolini, is an example of a man who demonstrates positive male leadership in the right way through his daily mindfulness practice. Bertolini exudes confidence, knowledge and masculine power because he meditates on the important role he’s been given. He carefully considers the way he can best serve those who follow him, not how he can deplete all his resources in service to himself.

Not everyone has discovered Bertolini's secret. Some male leaders are overtly aggressive, competitive, and wish to take away other people's strength through emasculation. They segregate themselves from those who would otherwise support them. They care nothing for collective advancement, and their main goal is merely to protect their own frail ego from criticism.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Society as a whole can celebrate the life-affirming energies of great male leaders like Abraham Lincoln or Dale Carnegie, men who went against the grain to achieve their destinies. These were leaders who converted their masculine energies into a higher goal, who were also able to surround themselves with other people whose strengths were a complement to their own.

If you feel challenged in developing better leadership skills, and would like to learn how to balance your career and your personal life, let's have an exploratory phone calland see how a few skills from AmyD will create the peace you've been looking for.

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