Friday, October 7, 2016

Rock A Bye Baby

Have you ever noticed how quickly a child falls asleep? You pick them up, hold them close, and gently rock them and a short time later they are fast asleep. Don’t you wish sleep could come that easy for you? But, with the stress of work, finances, interpersonal relationships, etc climbing into bed tends to be the place where our minds are the most active. But, it doesn’t have to be that way!
New research out of Geneva, Switzerland shows that gentle rocking can also be beneficial to adults as they prepare for rest. Just think about it. Have you ever been in a hammock, a rocking chair, or drifting around on a raft in a pool and found the gentle swaying motion soothing enough to put you to sleep? The same principle was applied in this study, which involved subjects taking two 45 minute naps, one on a stationary bed and the second on a bed that mimics the motion of rocking. The study concluded that people fall asleep much faster when gently rocked and also move more quickly between Stage 1 and Stage 2 of sleep (the stage where you are less likely to be awakened by external actions and sounds). So, what does this all mean? 
It means that a gentle rocking motion allows your brain to synchronize for sleep much quicker, fall asleep faster, and possibly have a longer, more restful sleep. But, don’t throw away your bed and go buy a hammock just yet! Try employing your imagination. It is an effective tool that doesn’t cost a thing and can be employed immediately! When you go to bed this evening, try visualizing yourself swaying in that hammock or lazily drifting in that raft. Try to engage all of your senses, hear the waves, smell the salt breeze, feel the sun on your body, etc. This method has proven extremely effective for relaxation and in freeing the mind enough to fall asleep. 
Still having trouble? Sometimes the everyday pressures of life don’t allow us to turn our mind off, which hampers the sleep process. And some people may find the act of visualization challenging. Reach out and we can discuss some of the blockages that may be hindering your rest and get you on the path to good night’s sleep. Sweet dreams, from Amy D the Spiritual Entrepreneur and Peak Performance Expert.

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