Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Qi's Connection To Illness

Have you ever gotten sick and not understood why? Illness is connected to germs and pathogens, right? Have you ever considered that illness might be attached to your emotions? It seems strange. But, for thousands of years the connection between body and emotion has been well known. Different cultures call this energy connection by different names. The Chinese have arguably the most ancient (over 3500 years worth), detailed documentation of this energy system that they refer to as “Qi”.
Qi is composed of the forces of Yin and Yang. If these forces stay balanced a person will remain healthy inside and out. If the balance is disturbed or the energy is blocked, one can become ill. These energies flow through channels in the body called meridians. Meridians are the pathways in which energy flows to nourish the functions and organs the body.
These blockages can occur because of stress, bad eating, negative thought patterns etc. And they can cause you to become very ill. So something as simple as a common cold, flu, or other ailments can be caused by an energy blockage? Yes, that is exactly the way energy flow along meridians works. So, what can you do to release blockages and keep yourself well? 
There are many ways in which you can remove blockages along the energy meridians yourself. Exercise, meditation, affirmations, clean eating, getting back to nature etc are all good ways in which you can start to heal yourself. However, some blockages are so deep seeded that you may need to seek the help of a professional to overcome them. Acupuncture and meridian massage are probably the most well known ways to overcome these energy obstacles.

Once you begin to understand how these meridians function and how they connect to specific parts of your body, you can begin to remove blockages and move past emotions that may have been holding you hostage for years. If the DIY methods I recommend in the previous paragraph don’t get you where you need to be, reach out. I am here to help you remove these obstacles and clear the path to better understanding and healing. http://www.amyd.me

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