Monday, November 7, 2016

Amidst The Chaos I Rise

Right now, our society is undergoing a tremendous change that will have an immeasurable impact on our future. I’ve noticed that many people are filled with anxiety about these upcoming events. However, in times of great change and upheaval, there are ways that we can grow as individuals and as a community. Here, I’m offering several objects of reflection that will help to elevate our consciousness beyond our present chaotic situation. 
We can all tune in to a more positive vibration by drawing our attention toward the things that are most important in our lives. By doing so, we can create the kind of society that is self-sustaining instead of self-destructive.
#1 Recognizing the Difference Between Facts and Feelings
In a recent video I talked about the difference between facts and feelings. Although voicing your experiences passionately is a beautiful thing, we must also speak from a place of informed rationality. We must educate ourselves so that we not only avoid being misled, but avoid misleading other people who are important to us. By making sure our beliefs and values come from an authentic place, we can speak with true authority and wisdom.
We cannot grow as a society if we take on positions that are grounded in misinformation. We can rise above the noise, calamity, and chaos so long as we commit ourselves to acting with wisdom, rationality and love.
#2 Create and Engage In a Positive Community
Sometimes we don’t recognize how other people’s negative energy impacts our own. Sometimes we surround ourselves with people who encourage us to act in destructive ways that feed into the chaos, rather than inspiring us to live out our highest, most divine aspirations.
Another way of redirecting your focus is by assessing your current relationships. Which people in your life are most affirming and supportive? Who helps you to be the best person you can be? On the other hand, who feels like a drain on your spiritual resources? Are there any people who- whether they intend to or not- set you up for failure?
Cherish and cultivate those positive, life-affirming relationships, so that you can create a community founded upon love. Love is what’s necessary for peace, and it is the antidote to the forces of chaos.
#3 Love
Everything comes into being through love. In order to elevate our mindsets so that we can create a thriving community based on peace and respect, we must first begin to love ourselves and other people authentically. 
You can begin by taking time throughout your day for contemplative silence. This draws your focus inward, and allows you a private space where chaos cannot intervene or interrupt.
If you follow my blog or my Youtube channel you will see that I use every opportunity to discuss the importance of mindfulness practice. I do this because it is what creates the conditions for love. Only through the power of the pause are we able to navigate the rough waters of our chaotic lives, in a way that ultimately liberates us. Only then can we understand how to align ourselves with our true purpose in life.
Silence is a necessity if you want to hear what your heart truly has to say, and if you want to make decisions based on love, not fear. If you are not aware of your own negative, destructive energy than you cannot possibly help yourself, much less anyone else. You won’t be able to rise above the chaos because you’ll be operating at that same vibration. 
If you don’t know who you are, or what special gift you offer the universe, you cannot be in service to others. You cannot be the positive reflection you want to see in the world.
So I ask everyone who is reading this to please make silent reflection a habit- starting today. It may be difficult at first, because chaos tends to be a strong influence on our hearts and minds if we don’t pay close attention to our needs and our values. However, the more you redirect your attention to the things that matter, the easier it will be to tap into the most powerful force in the universe: love. Only then can we create a society that is grounded in peace, reconciliation, respect, and unity.

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