Saturday, December 17, 2016

What We Can Learn About Success From the Cubs' World Series Win

On November 2nd, the Chicago Cubs won the World Series, breaking their 108-year dry spell - which many believe was a curse! No matter what the reasons were for their championship drought, the Cubs’ epic World Series win can teach us important truths about leadership, dedication, focus and teamwork. All of these lessons can transform all of our past failures into history-making success!
Let Go of the Past
Many people would collapse under the pressure of finally achieving everything they’ve ever wanted at their fingertips- especially if the past has shown them that such high hopes lead to failure. The Cubs were able to transcend the ghosts of their past, the curses placed upon them, to do the unthinkable. They overcame the expectation that they would continue to lose, and instead focused entirely on their desire to win.
Cubs pitcher Mike Montgomery spoke about the overall vibe in the weight room after the ninth inning, when right fielder Jason Heyward brought the team together and told them to keep up the good faith.
“Everyone was fired up, and I didn’t expect that… I expected everyone to be frustrated, down on themselves, down on the team. We just blew a three-run lead in the eighth inning with two outs. The next thing I know, everyone’s like, ‘We got this.’”
THAT is the kind of mindset that allows for abundant success. You must mindfully let go of past defeats, even the ones that have just happened to you, so that you can focus on the present task: utilizing your God-given talents to achieve your highest destiny.
Visualize Your Success
For three games, Anthony Rizzo played the “Rocky” movies in the Cubs’ clubhouse to inspire his teammates. By doing so, Rizzo elevated his teammates’ expectations of what they could achieve. They could fully embrace their nickname the “lovable losers” knowing that, like Rocky, they would go on to fulfill their destiny as champions no matter what their obstacles were.
In my Youtube videos, I challenge people to visualize the things they desire most, so they can make those dreams manifest. The only way you can achieve everything you’ve ever wanted and more is by first picturing yourself as not only deserving that success, but relishing in it. 
Support Those Who Support You
Rizzo and Heyward’s actions show, without a doubt, that they value the roles that others play in their own success. That kind of positive energy- positive leadership- creates a ripple effect that will elevate the entire team or workplace into a higher frequency. Sharing one’s positive energy with another person actually creates an unstoppable momentum, an endless back-and-forth movement of positive vibrations- that can sustain us as we work to achieve greatness together.
Best Isn’t Good Enough
For the last 108 years, the Cubs have had some of the best and brightest players signed onto their team. They’re also one of the richest major-league baseball teams, and yet it wasn’t until 2016 that the Cubs were able to transform those incredible blessings into actualized success. It isn’t enough to be the best. Lots of people in your field can do that. You must take your greatest gifts and transform them into something better than the best. You must becomes elite.
If you’re a highly successful CEO or a professional athlete, you know this. There is always an untapped energy source that can be used for an elite purpose. If what I’m saying speaks to you in a profound way, we should talk. Reach out to me, Amy D the Peak Performance Expert, so you can take your game to the next level.

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