Friday, December 9, 2016

What It Means To Be In Service To Others

Everything in life is about giving and receiving, about gracious acceptance of the world’s bounty and the giving of yourself to others who will benefit from your unique, irreplaceable talents. One of the things I try to teach everyone who comes to me for guidance is how important it is to not only be grateful for the innumerable gifts the universe has given you, but to also recognize the integral role you play in the universe.
As John Donne and Thomas Merton have said, no man or woman is an island. We are all deeply interconnected and rely upon one another for support, acceptance, validation, and above all else- love. For that reason, the intentions you have within your heart have a ripple effect on others; they can either help or hurt. To truly be in service to others means to look inward and recognize what kind of energy you’re putting forth and recalibrate yourself so that the impact you have on others creates the kind of change you want to see in the world.
Being in service to others also means being in service to yourself. Don’t think that I’m asking you to constantly give, because that will quickly leave you exhausted of all your energy. Serving others requires you to refill your well, to feed yourself so that you may have the energy and balance to give back to the people who will best receive your wonderful gift. Sharing and receiving are part of a delicate balance- it is truly a win-win situation. If you’re feeling depleted, then you must take a step back from serving in order to mindfully reassess the situation and refill your well. My video on Why Sharing Is Better Than Giving is all about this. Follow my Youtube channel for more videos about to ground yourself.
Similarly, being in service means compromise or meeting in the middle. Participate in giving from a place of true empowerment and confidence in yourself. You cannot take responsibility for others unless you take responsibility for you. This is what is truly inspiring to others who look to you for lessons on how to be.
By serving others, you will lead by example by leading with your heart. By serving others, you will not only attract people with that same positive vibration, you will also enter into a state of love rather than depression, lack, or scarcity. All of us stem from the same energy source, and through this powerful, unbreakable connection, we can grow together. This is this true meaning of service, to learn and evolve our collective energy into something that creates the positive change we all want to see in the world.
My Youtube channel is full of weekly lessons on how to mindfully approach the world,so that you can share your greatest gifts with others and receive all the universe has to offer. Follow me today to get started on this journey to wholeness.

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